Congratulations to Worldprofit’s NEW Silver Member.
Adrian, welcome to our home business and affiliate marketing program. And, welcome to our family of amazing entrepreneurs!
The Monitor who helped with this fantastic upgrade was Phil Corneau. Great work!
Sandi Hunter’s Tips To Help Members Make Sales & Earn Online
Common Terms Used at Worldprofit and Explanation of Term
Worldprofit Silver and Platinum Members, for your convenience we have compiled a list of common terms and explanations to help you better understand the Worldprofit Home Business System and get you off to a great start.
TRG: Member in Training in Worldprofit’s E-Business Consultant Program
CEC: Certified E-Business Consultant: Worldprofit dealers who graduate from the Worldprofit Bootcamp Training Program , and have made at least 1 sale, earn the designation of Certified E-Business Consultant (CEC).
MCEC: Master Certified E-Business Consultant: Worldprofit dealers who graduate from the Worldprofit Bootcamp Training and maintain specific criteria for sales and recruitment, earn the designation of Master Certified E-Business Consultant (MCEC).
Associate Member: An Associate Member is someone who has signed up to get a free Worldprofit Associate Member account. As an Associate Member they can view a Video Overview of the Silver membership, preview Worldprofit services, and are a prospect for the purchase of a Silver or Platinum VIP Membership Package. If an Associate signs up under you through one of your ads or at your website you will get a notice that they have done so and their details will be automatically entered into your Prospect Manager. Associate Members do not get the same level of commission or access to services and support as do Worldprofit dealers. Associate Members earn 5% commission for the referral of sales to Worldprofit inc. Your Associates are EXTREMELY VALUABLE as they are potential buyers for ANY of Worldprofit’s services AND any of YOUR OWN products, services and opportunities.
NOTE: You do not receive commission for signing up free Associate members.
Dealer: A Worldprofit dealer is a reseller for Worldprofit and in most cases has purchased a Silver or a Platinum Package. Worldprofit Dealers are also called Sponsors. Worldprofit dealers have access to the Member services they have purchased, or that were included in either the Silver or Platinum Package. Full support is available from our Accounts department and our Technical Support team. Commission for the sale of Worldprofit services is paid at 20% to Silver members (40% for Platinum Members) for direct referrals, and 5% from sales referrals made by your direct referrals.
Note: Commissions from 5 – 100% PLUS BONUSES are paid on various services in the Worldprofit Member area, consult the COMMISSION CHART in your member area for details.
Live Business Center (LBC): The Live Business Center is unique to Worldprofit and is run by a network of Worldprofit Dealers who volunteer their time to greet visitors and help makes sales. The Live Business Center is installed on every Silver and Platinum VIP Membership. When visitors land on your website they see the Live Business Center and are greeted by the Monitors. The Monitors urge the people at the various sites coming into the Live Business Center to sign up as a free Assocaite Member. When they do, the site / person that referred that person then has a lead in the form of an Associate Member. An email notification is automatically sent to the site owner to notify them of the signup of an Associate, and the Associate’s details are stored in your Prospect manager. When your Associates sign in to their accounts, you are also notified by email.and the number of times they log in is stored under the "Who’s Logged In" details within your Member area. Those people who login the most are your BEST prospects and should be contacted right away.
Monitors (Junior and Senior): Monitors are Worldprofit Silver or Platinum VIP Members who volunteer their time to man the Live Business Center, greet visitors, make offers and try to close sales for their own referrals as well as any that are referred by other members. Senior Monitors have been elevated to that position through training by George Kosch and other Senior Monitors. Junior Monitors are still in training. We welcome anyone who would like to become a Monitor, however there are some requirements that must be met including having the proper webcamera equipment. To find out more about being a Monitor, login to the Member area, to complete a Tech Support Request form linked on the left hand menu of the Member area.
FastTrack Visitors: Worldprofit places paid advertising at a number of proven effective high-response websites. The FastTrack visitors are generated from PAID accounts established by Worldprofit, as well as PAID Safelists we email to thereby delivering the highest quality visitors to our landing pages. We insert your Dealer ID in the signup form should the visitor decide to signup. You are emailed when a FastTrack Associate signs up under your ID. FastTrack visitors are priced higher as the quality is higher and more targetted. To find out more, login to your Member area, and under the Advertising/Traffic link on the left hand menu, click on "FastTrack Visitors".
Landing Pages: Landing pages are pages designed to load quickly and capture lead information. They are especially effective in Traffic Exchanges. Worldprofit has created and tested hundreds of landing pages and these are available free to our Silver and Platinum VIP Members. To view them, login to your Member area, and under the "Advertising/Traffic" link, then click on "Landing Pages." New Landing Pages are added regularly as they are tested for results.
Prospect Manager: The Silver and Platinum packages both include the Prospect Management software. This software allows you to track your prospects, email your prospects, follow up with your prospects and organize them into type of prospect. Most of the Worldprofit lead forms incorporated into your site, are designed so that when a form is completed on your site, you get an email with the information, and the lead info is entered automatically into your Prospect manager. If you are generating leads for a number of businesses, or programs, not just Worldprofit’s you can also manually enter your leads, then denote the type of lead or program. Your Prospect Manager software includes a Prospect Emailer so you can email out an offer or promotion. We’ve included some pre-written letters for Worldprofit services, but you can also create and customize your own offers for any other business or offers you wish to mail out.
Website Management System: Silver and Platinum VIP packages both include a Website Management System. This software allows you to edit your webpages, add content, add links, add categories, change your contact info, change your metatags, add other affiliate programs and opportunities to your site. For more info on this, login to your Member area, find the "Website Management" link on the left hand menu, then click on "Edit Website.
Affiliate Center Software: Silver and Platinum VIP Memberships both include the Affiliate Center software. If you are already in a number of Affiliate programs, you can also add in the Affiliate code using our software and select where you would like it to appear on your site. For more info on this, login to your Member area and on the left hand menu look for the link for "Affiliate Center".
Listserver/Newsletter: Silver and Platinum VIP s Memberships both include the Newsletter software. Newsletters are sent out using a Listserver so the terms are sometimes interchanged. Worldprofit has pre-loaded your Newsletter with professionally written offers, and articles that you can use. You can also create and send your own custom written letters to promote Worldprofit, or any other programs or opportunities you are involved. For more info on this, login to your Member area and on the left hand menu look for the link for "Newsletter".
Autoresponse System: Worldprofit’s unlimited use autoresponse system is designed to allow visitors to your website the ability to subscribe to sequential emails. The owner can enter as many messages and as many sequences as they like. The emails can go out on any day and in any sequence the owner prefers. For more info on the Autoresponse System login to the Member area. The Autoresponder is included for Platinum VIP Members. Silver members have the option to upgrade to Platinum to receive it, or to purchase it on a yearly basis. You don’t need any other autoresponder when you use Worldprofit’s Autoresponder, built by us, and supported by our help team in house.
Remember! If you have questions, concerns, or require technical or accounts related help with your account or Member services, simply complete a SUPPORT REQUEST FORM linked on the left menu of your Member area. Our team will be happy to assist you as needed.