Review Home Business Bootcamp with George Kosch Oct 31, 2014
Bootcamp Instructor George Kosch welcomed all New Members to the interactive LIVE training offered EVERY week at Worldprofit at no cost to all Silver and Platinum VIP members.
George made suggestions for new Members on what to do next to get started.
He then followed up with some highlights of what is INCLUDED in your Silver Membership. This is by no means a complete list, the package is comprehensive, this is just a short list. Review all of the inclusions by logging in to your Member area.
Featured Silver Membership included services
Link Manager
Personal Dowline Builder
20+ Income Streams
Fast Cash Program (Ready made for you to use NOW!)
Recommended Advertising/Traffic Resources
Money Makers Kit
Landing Pages (ready to use now)
Worldprofit`s Landing Page Builder (with one click make your own landing pages for your own ops)
Ebook Creator
Ebook Rebrander
CB Promo Kit
Magic List Builder
Prospect Manager Software
LIVE Business Center (Sales Closing 24 hours a Day)
Other Helpful Resources:
Message Center (look for it at the TOP of your member area to stay up to date on most recent announcements)
Bootcamp Lesson Summary (See a Summary of ALL 100+ bootcamp lessons, move forward or backward)
Bootcamp Newsletter: Emailed to you every few days with member updates, offers, special announcements and more. If you don’t see it PLEASE check your spam folder. This Newsletter is emailed to you to HELP YOU.
Worldprofit Facebook Group (Join, connect)
Your Silver membership includes everything you need to start earning NOW. Just login and start the training.
All of the tools and resources included in your Silver membership have the purpose of:
1. Generating leads
2. Building your list
3. Growing your online business by teaching and helping you how to market online
REMEMBER! The tools, resources and training we provide can be used or applied to ANY and ALL your online business programs.
George discussed a number of OPTIONAL services available exclusively to Worldprofit Members.
Low cost, easy to use. Add additional sources of income to your line up of money making programs.
A: .Upgrade to Platinum VIP Membership (Higher Commissions, Bonuses, More Traffic)
Switch from a MONTHLY Silver or Platinum VIP Membership to a One Year Term to SAVE $$.
For both options fill out a support form and ask for either UPGRADE Offer or the 1 Year Membership Rate.
B: CB Maximizer (for those of you promoting ClickBank, or who want yet another source of income)
C: CB Store Plugin (Put 10,000+ Products on your site)
D: PLR Store (additional cost for Silver Members, free for Platinum VIP Members). Another sources of income (100%)
E: Leads. 25 or 50 or 100 Lead Pack. Quality low cost leads. People looking for an MLM or online Business Opportunity.
F: Own your own Safelist Exchange. You can be the list owner! Use for leverage. 100% of sales are yours.
What`s Coming
Worldprofit App – soon my pretty soon!
Thank you to everyone who attended the LIVE training session today. This training is for you. By attending we can answer your questions, show demonstrations on screen and gear the training to your needs. You also learn about how to best use the tools, resources and aids in your member area so you can build any online business.
–> CLICK below to access recording of OCT 31st session.
Next LIVE training session is Friday November 7th, 2014. We hope to see you there so we can get YOU on track for making consistent online income. Bring your questions and requests for demonstrations or training topics.