For those of you who attended the LIVE training with George Kosch on Friday morning, you heard about some enhancements being worked on to make your Prospect Manager Software more powerful.
We’ve now completed the work. Here is a summary. Read this please, it will BENEFIT you.
In your Prospect Manager, for each of your prospects, you will now be able to:
-View the Referring URL (the page or site that brought the Associate to you)
-See the Landing Page they signed up from.
-Resend Login Instructions to your Associates so they can access their free Associate Member area.
-View Browser Details: Specifically if the Associate is logging in with a MOBILE device or other.
-See the last Login Date of your Associates.
NOTE: This additional NEW data will only be available for Associates who have signed up AFTER OCT 19.
Why these enhancements are important and helpful to you.
This information provides you with important intelligence on your advertising and promotion efforts and the activity of your Associates. It can help guide your next step(s) to take with your prospects.
1. You know which langing pages are yielding the best results in terms of number of Associate sign ups.
2. You know which of your Advertising sources are yielding the best results in terms of number of Associate sign ups.
3. You know which of your Associates are logging in with a MOBILE DEVICE. This is IMPORTANT!
4. You can resend login details to your Associates who may have misplaced this information.
5. You know which of your Associates have most recently logged in and thus are excellent prospects to contact.
We have also added a CALL SCRIPT, that you can download for those of you who wish to call your Associates.
–> George Kosch has recorded this brief video to summarize the changes for you: and how this will help you.
Here’s how to access your Prospect Manager Software (it’s included at no extra cost in both the Silver and Platinum VIP Membership)
1. Login to your Worldprofit Member area.
2. On TOP MENU click on PROSPECTS.
Once you are there you will see your Prospects/Associates, click on VIEW beside the person’s name to see the details of their activity.
Within that section you will find the call script to download, also a calendar. You can use the Prospect Emailer either the prewritten copy or customize for your own business opportunities. If you wish to buy leads, simply click on PURCHASE LEADS. You can also email to yourself a copy of your Prospect Manager Report. Please spend some time in this area clicking around. Your prospects are your bread and butter. It pays to be very familiar with the capabilities of your Prospect manager tool.