We received this happy note from Jim Noonan…..

"Hi George and all at Worldprofit, thank you one and all.. I’m on the "Top Sellers List" for January 2014..
I am excited I am on the list, now my aim is to move up so that I am regularly at the top end."
Jim Noonan..
PS. Thanks again for all the material and constant assistance.

Here are the Top Sellers for January 2014.

Congratulations to Linda Elze for being in Top Position!

3 Cheers for EVERYONE who made it on the list. BRAVO! Yippee!

1. Linda Elze
2. Howard Martell
3. Wallace Johnson
4. Bruce Lee Wright
5. Noel Livingston
6. Dori ONeill
7. Lance Sumner
8. Ronald Lentz
9. Anthony Slate
10. Garry Smith
11. Leo Laurent
12. Mark Walen
13. Anita Ludski
14. Bruno Duarte
15. Jay Petersen
16. Jim Noonan
17. Jocelyn Lepine
18. Lisa Martiniuk
19. Paula and Mark Anderson
20. Roy Takata

Do YOU want to be on the Top Sellers list?

Then let’s get you on the right track.

If you are NEW to Worldprofit watch the FIRST TWO videos for BEGINNERS in the training section of your Member area.

Follow the bootcamp lessons to stay focused on what you need to know and DO to make sales and get the most value out of your membership.

The training is there for YOU. Please use it, do it.

If you’ve been with Worldprofit for a bit, focus on signing up ASSOCIATES. Promote the ad examples in your Member area.

So if you haven’t yet, it’s time to……


If you are NEW and have received your confirmation that all services have been set up for you, then you should now start the Bootcamp training.

In your Member area on the very main page, scroll down to see the bootcamp lessons.

NOTE: You can turn OFF the LIVE BUSINESS Center using the RED link located near where you see the people talking. That way the sounds won’t interfere with you watching the training videos.

Start at Lesson 1 and progress, doing what you are taught at each lesson.

If you need help submit a Support request form (the link is on the TOP MENU, click on SUPPORT). We are here 7 days a week to help you.

Every Friday we also have a LIVE training program with George Kosch so you can ask questions, get answers, demonstrations and more. Details of time and how to access with be posted the MESASAGE CENTER located at the top of the page in your Member area, directly above the LIVE Business Center.

Worldprofit sends out this Bootcamp Newsletter with tips, strategies, announcements and more. Make sure you are getting it every week and all email from Worldprofit. Whitelist all emails from Worldprofit and check your spam folder.

IMPORTANT! The people who make sales are the people that follow the training and consistently do what is taught.
Get started in the training today!